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Image by Sophia Simoes

Peerless Trout First Nation

Land Code Development

Land Code Passed on March 22nd, 2024

What is the PTFN
Land Code?

The PTFN Land Code, if passed, will become the main land law of PTFN and will replace the current land management provisions of the Indian Act by returning control over our reserve lands to our community.


​The land code provides increased protection for reserve land and resources.


How does a Land Code benefit PTFN?

A Land Code can:


  • PROTECT Cultural Heritage

  • PROTECT our land base

  • INCREASE transparency

  • PROVIDE more funding opportunities

  • SUPPORT economic development

  • CREATE the opportunity for more business

  • ENFORCE land laws on reserve

Are there other Land Code Communities?

Almost 1/3 of First Nations in Canada are involved in the Land Code process.


There are currently 116 First Nations that have already passed Land Codes, while another 100 First Nations are at different stages of working to develop their own.


To hear directly from First Nation leaders from cross the country on their experience with land code, take a look at our resources page.

Image by Evgeni Evgeniev


Peerless Trout First Nation is strong, transparent and accountable. We continue to grow and are prosperous through innovation, partnerships and creation of successful economic opportunities while protecting our cultural values, lands and Treaty Rights. We will provide a safe and healthy environment for our members to thrive and to assist in developing our future generations. 



Land Code &
Individual Agreement

Vote Date:
March 22, 2024

All PTFN members
18 years and older,
on and off-reserve
can vote.


We will vote on the:

  • Land Code, and

  • Individual Agreement

Votes can be cast:

  • In-Person

  • By Mail

  • Online

Image by Ray Hennessy


“This [land code] has been nothing but a positive and has strengthened our treaty rights. I still hunt, I still trap, I still fish today. That doesn’t affect it at all. If anything, it strengthens it. It just puts parameters and controls for us to ensure that we remind ourselves that we’ve got to protect our land, just as much as we tell others to do the same, whether it’s on reserve or off.”

Christian Sinclair (Former Chief)

Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Manitoba

Black Washed Wall


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